sábado, 14 de mayo de 2011

Stonehenge mysteries unraveling

Vídeo YouTube (cctvnewschannel el 12/05/2011 LatestWorldnews el 11/05/2011 ) añadido a Paleo Vídeos > Prehistoria Universal > L.R.2.2

Related news: 22/02/11. New discovery throws further light on the origins of famous bluestones of Stonehenge
The ongoing debate surrounding the source of the famous bluestones forming the distinctive inner circle and horseshoe of Stonehenge has taken another turn after new findings emerged from Amgueddfa Cymru – National Museum Wales.

One type of bluestone, the so-called spotted dolerite, was convincingly traced to the Mynydd Preseli area of North Pembrokeshire in the 1920s, but the origins of many of the others have remained a mystery. Now geologists at the museum in Cardiff believe they have identified the source of one of the rhyolite types.

A team led by Keeper of Geology Dr Richard Bevins has been using “standard petrographical techniques” and “laser ablation induction coupled mass spectrometry” on samples from Stonehenge and Pembrokeshire...

Parque Arqueolóxico da Arte Rupestre de Campo Lameiro

Vídeo YouTube (conselleriadecultura el 11/05/2011) añadido a Paleo Vídeos > Prehistoria de España y Portugal > L.R.1.3

Saber más: Campo Lameiro en el Archivo del noticiario

Born In Africa: The Quest For The Origins Of Human Life

Book: Born In Africa: The Quest For The Origins Of Human Life.
Martin Meredith (Author)
Hardcover: 288 pages
Publisher: PublicAffairs (May 10, 2011)

Africa does not give up its secrets easily. Buried there lie answers about the origins of humankind. After a century of investigation, scientists have transformed our understanding about the beginnings of human life. But vital clues still remain hidden.

In Born in Africa, Martin Meredith follows the trail of discoveries about human origins made by scientists over the last hundred years, recounting their intense rivalry, personal feuds, and fierce controversies as well as their feats of skill and endurance.

The results have been momentous. Scientists have identified more than twenty species of extinct humans. They have firmly established Africa as the birthplace not only of humankind but also of modern humans. They have revealed how early technology, language ability, and artistic endeavour all originated in Africa; and they have shown how small groups of Africans spread out from Africa in an exodus sixty thousand years ago to populate the rest of the world. We have all inherited an African past.

Related: May 12, 2011. Scientists Fight To Prove Humanity 'Born In Africa'
For years, anthropologists and archeologists believed that Asia held the answers to their questions about the origins of mankind. So when a set of controversial hominid remains was discovered in Africa in the early 20th century, it took a while for scholars to accept that they may have been wrong.

In Born in Africa, author Martin Meredith details the battles, contempt and fraud of the search for the origins of human life.

Meredith tells NPR's Neal Conan that Charles Darwin was the first to speculate that mankind actually evolved in Africa...

jueves, 12 de mayo de 2011

Arte rupestre do Vale do Tejo

Vídeo en portugués por Localvisao TV el 11/04/11. Presentación de la candidatura del complejo de Arte Rupestre del Valle del Tajo a patrimonio cultural de interés nacional.

Sobre el sitio (vía Lifecooler.com): Está considerado como uno de los conjuntos de arte pospaleolítico más importantes de Europa, constituido por más de 30.000 grabados dispersos a lo largo de 40 Km. en ambas orillas del río Tajo. Los grabados están datados entre los años 6.500 a.c. y 2500 a.c, representando símbolos geométricos, antropomórficos y zoomórficos.

Foto: Grabado antropomórfico expuesto en Vila Velha de Ródão / pt.wikipedia

Actualmente, más de la mitad de ellos está sumergida bajo las aguas del embalse de Fratel, por lo que son visibles tan solo en la zona de Perais y aguas arriba del embalse de Fratel. Entre las estaciones arqueológicas más importantes de la comarca se incluyen las de Enxarrique, Alagadouro y S.Simão.

Provincia: Castelo Branco
Pueblo: Vila Velha de Ródão

Lista de reproducción de vídeos relacionada: Prehistoria de España y Portugal

martes, 10 de mayo de 2011

Cro-Magnon: How the Ice Age Gave Birth to the First Modern Humans


Book: Cro-Magnon: How the Ice Age Gave Birth to the First Modern Humans.
Brian Fagan (Author)
Paperback: 320 pages.
Publisher: Bloomsbury Press; Reprint edition (May 10, 2011).

They survived by their wits in a snowbound world, hunting, and sometimes being hunted by, animals many times their size. By flickering firelight, they drew bison, deer, and mammoths on cavern walls- vibrant images that seize our imaginations after thirty thousand years. They are known to archaeologists as the Cro-Magnons-but who were they? Simply put, these people were among the first anatomically modern humans. For millennia, their hunter-gatherer culture flourished in small pockets across Ice Age Europe, the distant forerunner to the civilization we live in now.

Bestselling author Brian Fagan brings these early humans out of the deep freeze with his trademark mix of erudition, cutting-edge science, and vivid storytelling. Cro-Magnon reveals human society in its infancy, facing enormous environmental challenges from glaciers, predators, and a rival species of humans-the Neanderthals. Cro-Magnon captures the adaptability that has made humans an unmatched success as a species. Living on a frozen continent with only crude tools, Ice Age humans survived and thrived. In these pages, we meet our most remarkable ancestors.