miércoles, 21 de noviembre de 2012

Who inhabited the Jubbah lake in the Nefud Desert during the Middle Paleolithic?

Many readers may have heard of the Nefud Desert while watching Lawrence of Arabia (was that filmed on location?). It is hard to imagine that desolate landscape as being instrumental in the tale of human origins, but it may very well have been. A new paper describes Middle Paleolithic settlement evidence from the Jubbah Palaeolake, especially during MIS stages 7 and 5.

Arabia is a very interesting case for a variety of reasons: It has to be implicated one way or another in the tale of human origins and dispersals: it lies in the natural route Out-of-Africa, and in the intermediate space between the early modern human remains from Ethiopia, the later modern humans from the Levant, as well as the disputed late Neandertals of West Asia. [...] Dienekes' Anthropology Blog

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