Tapa blanda: 368 páginas
Editor: ALMUZARA; Edición: 1 (29 de enero de 2018)
Colección: Historia
Un ensayo único por su contenido ameno y divulgativo, que nos ayudará a desentrañar nuestro pasado, saber de dónde venimos y lo que le debemos a aquellos ancestros que aún siguen presentes en nuestro paisaje y en nuestra memoria colectiva...
Intensifican excavaciones en Bedmar donde se hallaron restos del Paleolítico
EFE.- El Ayuntamiento de Bedmar (Jaén) intensificará los trabajos en el entorno de la Serrezuela de Bedmar, en la Cueva del Portillo, en el que fueron encontrados los restos humanos más antiguos de la provincia de Jaén que datan del Paleolítico Superior final, de en torno a 11.600 años...
El MUPAC volverá al solar de Casimiro Sainz
El Gobierno de Cantabria propone ahora como opción "definitiva" para ubicar el Museo de Prehistoria y Arqueología (MUPAC) el solar de Casimiro Sainz, parcela que hace años albergó precisamente este museo junto a la antigua sede del Ejecutivo y a la que también se pretende llevar otra vez la Presidencia regional o, si no, la Consejería de Educación...
La 'Casa Argárica' de La Bastida, en Totana, abre sus puertas | La Verdad / Link 2 (2017)
El consejero de Turismo, Cultura y Medio Ambiente, Javier Celdrán, asistió este jueves, junto al alcalde Totana, Andrés García, a la inauguración de la ‘Casa Argárica’, una réplica de las construcciones que ocuparon el poblado de La Bastida durante la Edad de Bronce y que la Comunidad Autónoma ha financiado con 32.000 euros...
Las obras del Museo de los Dólmenes de Antequera comenzarán a finales de este mes de febrero
El consejero de Cultura, Miguel Ángel Vázquez, ha confirmado este martes durante una visita al Conjunto Arqueológico Dólmenes de Antequera (Málaga) que las obras para la adaptación del Museo del Sitio se iniciarán el próximo 22 de febrero. El plazo de ejecución de dichas actuaciones es de 28 mees y la inversión global alcanza los 4,5 millones de euros, de los que la Junta ya ha presupuestado para 2018 hasta 2,7 millones...
Audio. Arqueología en Lezetxiki | La casa de la Palabra | EiTB
Álvaro Arrizabalaga nos relata la historia y descubrimientos de las excavaciones en Lezetxiki. Un asentamiento humano de unos 215.000 años de antiguedad... (A partir del min 3:50)
El Pirineu, territori megalític | BonDia Diari digital d'Andorra.
Remolins, Pasques i Fàbrega cataloguen a l’últim número de la revista ‘Interpontes’ una trentena de dòlmens alturgellencs fins ara inèdits.
Que l’Alt Urgell és terra de dòlmens, túmuls, cròmlecs, cistes, menhirs i altres relíquies de pedra vella –esquist, bàsicament– ho sabíem des del treball pioner de Lluís Vidal, Josep Colominas i Joan Serra Vilaró, ara fa un segle...
Pileta de Prehistoria: El afecto entre humanos y perros se remonta a hace 14.000 años
Pileta de Prehistoria: Emotional bond between humans and dogs dates back 14,000 years
Discovery of Windsor neolithic monument excites archaeologists | The Guardian / Link 2
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1/2. An aerial view of the site of the Neolithic causewayed enclosure. Photograph: Handout |
Scientists expect to uncover entire circuit of causewayed enclosure at Berkshire quarry
A neolithic monument has been discovered less than two miles from Windsor Castle. Dating from 5,500 years ago, it is one of the earliest known examples of monument-building in Britain.
A ceremonial gathering place known as a causewayed enclosure has been revealed with the discovery of a series of encircling ditches, artificial boundaries with gap entrances, at a vast site in Berkshire.
Archaeologists have found extensive quantities of animal bones as well as decorated pottery sherds, and evidence that pots were deliberately smashed, perhaps as festivities came to a boisterous close. Other finds include finely worked, leaf-shaped flint arrowheads, serrated blades, stone axes and grinding stones...
Discovery of ancient Aboriginal remains confirms burial grounds on western Cape York - ABC News
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Photo: These land forms have been confirmed as burial mounds after years of debate about their origins and function. (Supplied) |
Archaeologists have confirmed ancient human remains, potentially up to 6,000 years old, are interred in burial mounds at a site long regarded as culturally significant by the Tjungundji people of western Cape York.
The origins of the sand mounds in and around Mapoon, an Indigenous community in remote far-north Queensland, have long been debated by researchers.
Some believe they were naturally occurring or created by birdlife, while others suggested they were human-made...
No Volcanic Winter in East Africa From Ancient Toba Eruption | UANews
The supereruption 74,000 years ago did not trigger major environmental disruption that caused human populations in East Africa to decline, UA geoscientists say.
The massive Toba volcanic eruption on the island of Sumatra about 74,000 years ago did not cause a six-year-long "volcanic winter" in East Africa and thereby cause the human population in the region to plummet, according to new research from University of Arizona geoscientists...
The Bronze Age gold hair rings from Scotland’s “death cave” - The Scotsman
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The gold hair rings found at Sculptor's Cave near Covesea, Moray. PIC: Courtesy of Elgin Museum. |
These tiny gold hair rings were likely used to adorn the dead and were discovered at a cave in the north of Scotland where funeral rituals and then killings were carried out over hundreds of years.
The items found at Sculptor’s Cave at Covesea near Lossiemouth, Moray, are a valuable indicator of activity at this isolated and hard to reach coastal spot that was used from the Late Bronze Age onwards.
The valuable items lay in the cave for probably around 3,000 years, suggesting there was a ‘taboo’ surrounding the site.
A similar ring, in perfect condition, was also found at Clarkly Hill,...
Vídeo. Elgin Museum Collection Highlight: Sculptor’s Cave Gold Hair Ring - Elgin Museum
Ver en PaleoVídeos > L.R.2.15 nº 24.
Stonehenge A303 tunnel plans will 'protect and enhance' monument - BBC News
Plans for a tunnel near Stonehenge will "enhance and protect" the ancient site but need further work, heritage experts have warned... (Vídeo)
Volunteers build replica of Neolithic Longhouse in Jersey using ancient tools and technology - ITV News
People in Jersey will be able to take a tour back in time and learn more about our Neolithic past.
It's part of a project by Jersey Heritage, which will see a group of islanders build a replica of a Neolithic Longhouse at La Hougue Bie...
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