(De 1:02 a 2:28 sin grabación).
Une équipe d’archéologues de l’Inrap a mis au jour, sur le site préhistorique de Tourville-la-Rivière (Seine-Maritime), les vestiges d’un pré-Néandertalien. Cette découverte fait aujourd’hui l’objet d’une publication dans la revue internationale PLOS ONE par un groupe de chercheurs du CNRS, de l’Inrap, de l’université nationale australienne, du Centre national de recherche sur l’évolution de l’Homme à Burgos (Espagne) et du département d’Anthropologie de l’université Washington à Saint Louis.
Malgré les nombreux sites très anciens exhumés depuis la fin du XIXe siècle, les fossiles humains du Pléistocène moyen (781 000 - 128 000 ans) restent extrêmement rares en Europe du nord-ouest. En effet, hormis les deux crânes fragmentaires de Biache-Saint-Vaast dans le nord de la France, les rares fossiles humains de cette période proviennent de dix sites entre Allemagne et Angleterre. L’individu de Tourville-la-Rivière constitue une découverte majeure en Europe pour la connaissance de cette lignée humaine. [...] inrap.fr
Link 2: 'Homme de neandertal en Seine-Maritime (Tourville-la-Riviere)
Actualización: 200,000-year-old Neanderthal human remains found in Normandy
French archaeologists have discovered some 200,000-year-old Neanderthal human remains in Normandy in an extremely rare discovery in northwestern Europe.
The three long Neanderthal bones - from the same left upper
limb - found in September at Tourville-la-Rivière in Normandy and
exhibited on Thursday in Paris are human fossils which are extremely
rare in this part of Europe.
The remains are attributable to the Neanderthal lineage - in the Middle Pleistocene era - and are aged between 236,000 and 183,000 years.
The open-air site of Tourville-la-Rivière was discovered in 1967 as a sand and gravel quarry and has since been monitored by archaeologists.
It is the second time such remains have been found in France. In the 1980s two partial crania from this period were excavated from Biache-Saint-Vaast in northern France.
All known human fossils from this period have been found from ten sites in either Germany or England.
The three bones most probably belong to an adult or an older adolescent but archaeologists said they were unable to tell if it's a male or female remain.
The archaeological discovery was published on Thursday on the American sciences review Plos One.
The remains are attributable to the Neanderthal lineage - in the Middle Pleistocene era - and are aged between 236,000 and 183,000 years.
The open-air site of Tourville-la-Rivière was discovered in 1967 as a sand and gravel quarry and has since been monitored by archaeologists.
It is the second time such remains have been found in France. In the 1980s two partial crania from this period were excavated from Biache-Saint-Vaast in northern France.
All known human fossils from this period have been found from ten sites in either Germany or England.
The three bones most probably belong to an adult or an older adolescent but archaeologists said they were unable to tell if it's a male or female remain.
The archaeological discovery was published on Thursday on the American sciences review Plos One.
Actualización 10-10-14: Vídeo. Archaeologists find 200,000-year-old pre-Neanderthal bones | Reuters.com
Vídeo YouTube por
Actualización 10-10-14: Vídeo. 200,000-year-old human bones found in France
Vídeo YouTube por AFP news agency el 9/10/2014 añadido a Paleo Vídeos > Prehistoria Universal > L.R.2.7 nº 30.
Actualización 11-10-14: Descubrimiento de un nuevo pre-Neandertal en Francia: el Hombre de Tourville-la-Rivière
Un equipo de arqueólogos del Inrap ha descubierto los vestigios de un pre-Neandertal en el sitio prehistórico de Tourville-la-Rivière, situado en el departamento de Sena Marítimo. El día de hoy, este importante hallazgo es objeto de una publicación en la revista internacional PLOS ONE por parte de un grupo de investigadores del Centro Nacional de Investigación Científica (CNRS, por su sigla en francés), del Inrap, de la Universidad Nacional Australiana, del Centro Nacional de Investigación sobre la Evolución Humana de Burgos y del Departamento de Antropología de la Universidad de Washington en San Luis. Pese a que desde fines del siglo XIX se han exhumado numerosos sitios muy antiguos, los fósiles humanos del Pleistoceno medio (781 000 - 128 000 años) siguen siendo extremadamente escasos en Europa del noroeste. En efecto, fuera de los dos cráneos fragmentarios de Biache-Saint-Vaast (norte de Francia), los pocos fósiles humanos de este período han sido descubiertos en diez sitios, entre Alemania e Inglaterra. El individuo de Tourville-la-Rivière constituye por tanto un hallazgo de la mayor importancia en Europa para el conocimiento de esta estirpe humana...
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Actualización: 200,000-year-old Neanderthal human remains found in Normandy
Actualización: Vídeos (2). 200,000-year-old human bones found in France
Actualización: Descubrimiento de un nuevo pre-Neandertal en Francia: el Hombre de Tourville-la-Rivière
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