martes, 15 de septiembre de 2015

Archaeologists unearthed monumental stone structures in the Carpathians

1/5. View of the northern part of the archaeological excavation in mid-August. Retaining wall from the Early Bronze Age is visible on the cross section of the trench, in the bottom of the trench a line of rocks forming the lowest layer of the wall. Photo by M.S. Przybyła.

The oldest example of stone wall in the history of construction in the Polish lands, more than two and a half thousand years older than Romanesque architecture, has been discovered by archaeologists from Kraków on Zyndram’s Hill in Maszkowice (Małopolska).

Discovery of such significance was unexpected because archaeologists had been studying the archaeological site in Maszkowice since the beginning of the twentieth century. As a result of those excavations they discovered mainly the remains of a settlement inhabited from 1000 to 50 BC. Archaeologists from the Jagiellonian University, led by Dr. Marcin S. Przybyła, appeared in Maszkowice in 2010. Surprise awaited under the remains of the settlement from the late Bronze Age and Iron Age - it turned out that there were relics of a more than a half thousand years older settlement. [...] Science & Scholarship in Poland

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