domingo, 6 de diciembre de 2015

Ancient 'Wand' May Be Oldest Example of Lead Work in the Levant

A detailed photo of the lead and wood artifact, as shown from the front and back.
Credit: Yahalom-Mack et al.

A lead and wood artifact discovered in a roughly 6,000-year-old grave in a desert cave is the oldest evidence of smelted lead on record in the Levant, a new study finds.

The artifact, which looks like something between an ancient wand and a tiny sword, suggests that people in Israel's northern Negev desert learned how to smelt lead during the Late Chalcolithic, a period known for copper work but not lead work, said Naama Yahalom-Mack, the study's lead researcher and a postdoctoral student of archaeology with a specialty in metallurgy at the Institute of Earth Sciences and the Institute of Archaeology at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Moreover, an analysis of the lead suggests that it came from Anatolia (in modern-day Turkey), which is part of the Levant, or the area encompassing the eastern Mediterranean. The artifact was likely a valuable tool, given that it shows signs of wear and was placed in a grave alongside the remains of an individual in the cave, she said. [...] (Via B&W3)

The findings were published online Wednesday (Dec. 2) in the journal PLOS ONE.

Actualización: Hallado en una cueva de Israel un misterioso objeto de plomo de hace 6.000 años | Ancient Origins
Un equipo de arqueólogos que se encuentra trabajando en una cueva de Israel utilizada en la prehistoria como enterramiento ha descubierto en su interior un objeto de plomo cuya antigüedad es de por lo menos 6.000 años. No están seguros de qué uso se daba a este utensilio ni de por qué se ha encontrado acompañado de restos humanos, pero sí saben lo siguiente: es el objeto de plomo más antiguo hallado hasta ahora en el Próximo Oriente y posiblemente en todo el mundo, aunque el análisis de sus isótopos ha revelado que el plomo que contiene probablemente tuvo su origen en Anatolia...

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Actualización: Hallado en una cueva de Israel un misterioso objeto de plomo de hace 6.000 años | Ancient Origins