jueves, 14 de abril de 2016

Vladimir is thrilled by the Sungarian man

3/3. Ivory tools from Sungir stand burials: 1,2 - "shaft straighteners"; 3 - "retoucher". Source: Taisiya Soldatova
Archaeologists studied tools made by Homo sapiens who had lived near Vladimir

Lomonosov Moscow State University. Archaeologists from the Lomonosov Moscow State University studied the objects made of bone, antler and ivory, that were found at the Sungir archaeological site. They managed to learn how the Homo sapiens processed solid organic materials and produced tools and ornamentals. The work was published in a specialized digest Hugo Obermaier Society for Quaternary Research and Archaeology of the Stone Age.

Scientists from the MSU studied the objects found on the Sungir site. The work has allowed to establish that Sungir was the base camp for an ancient man -- in contrast to the encampement Rusaniha located 8 km away from Sungir. One of the authors, Taisiya Soldatova (Ph.D., Faculty of Foreign Languages and Regional Studies, MSU), also reports that further study of the items found in the standmay help to determine the place of the monument in the Upper Paleolithic of Europe.

The open-air Upper Paleolithic site Sungir is located near Vladimir city. It was discovered in 1955, during preparation works for construction of a plant, and investigated by an expedition under the leadership of a famous Soviet archaeologist Otto N. Bader. There was found a complicated funerary complex, consisting of two graves each containing two burials. The burials were accompanied by rich inventory including a large amount of products made of ivory- beads, bracelets, spears etc. [...] EurekAlert!

Actualización: Estudiados en detalle los útiles de hueso, asta y marfil del yacimiento ruso de Sungir (28.000 BP)
El estudio ha permitido conocer las características tecnológicas de la fabricación de estas herramientas 
El hallazgo a mediados del siglo XX de la espectacular estación paleolítica al aire libre de Sungir (Rusia), que incluía un complejo funerario con varios enterramientos, proporcionó una importante colección de objetos realizados sobre hueso, asta y marfil que ahora han podido ser estudiados en profundidad para conocer más sobre las tecnologías utilizadas en su fabricación y sobre las actividades realizadas por estos grupos humanos hace 30.000 años. Sus investigadores sugieren a partir del estudio la existencia de influencias tecnológicas por parte de los individuos de la cultura Auriñaciense inicial del centro y oeste de Europa...

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