martes, 21 de junio de 2016

Canaanites Sacrificed Animals From Egypt 5,000 Years Ago, Archaeologists Find

A donkey sacrificed in Canaanite ritual, found in situ at Tell es-Safi (Gath). Analysis of its teeth showed that it was born and bred in ancient Egypt.Richard Wiskin read more:

Analysis of a sacrificial donkey found in the foundations of a house in ancient Gath, and of other remains, show they were born and bred in the Nile.

The ancient Canaanites living in Gath some 5,000 years ago weren't sacrificing their own livestock to appease the gods. They were importing animals from ancient Egypt, archaeologists have now proven.

A donkey, as well as some sheep and goats whose remains were found in Early Bronze Age layers at Gath dating to 4900 years ago turn out to have been born and bred in the Nile valley.The discovery at the archaeological site of Tell el-Safi shows that animals were part of the extensive trading relations between the Old Kingdom of Egypt and Early Bronze Age Canaan (circa 2900-2500 BCE).

“That there were trade connections between Egypt and Canaan in the Early Bronze Age is not new. The fact that animals were a part of the trade - and that they went from Egypt to Canaan - is very interesting,” Aren Maeir, head of the excavations in Gath, told Haaretz.

Until now, trade in animals themselves had been known only from later periods (the Middle Bronze Age), and usually it went in the other direction – from Canaan to Egypt. This is the first concrete evidence of Canaanites importing Egyptian animals, let alone that early. [...] Haaretz

Actualización: Los antiguos cananeos importaban animales de Egipto para sacrificarlos | Ancient Origins 
Se han descubierto recientemente en el yacimiento arqueológico de Tell el-Safi, Israel, los huesos de un asno y otros animales diversos, sacrificados ritualmente por los cananeos. El análisis de los restos animales ha revelado que los cananeos importaban estos animales del reino de los faraones para sacrificarlos.

Los cananeos que habitaban en la ciudad de Gat hace 5.000 años creían que los dioses les exigían sacrificios rituales. Según recientes investigaciones publicadas en Haaretz, los cananeos importaban animales de Egipto con este propósito. Los restos hallados recientemente, pertenecientes a un asno y varias cabras y ovejas, se remontan a los inicios de la Edad del Bronce en Canaán (2900 a. C. – 2500 a. C.). Las investigaciones han demostrado que estos animales nacieron y fueron criados en el valle del Nilo, viviendo en la ciudad cananea de Gat apenas durante un breve período poco antes de su muerte...

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Actualización: Los antiguos cananeos importaban animales de Egipto para sacrificarlos