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Archaeologists at Turkey's neolithic site of Çatalhöyük in central Anatolia have unearthed a "unique" complete female figurine, The Ministry of Culture and Tourism said on Tuesday.
The statuette, measuring 17 centimeters (6.7 inches) long and weighing one kilogram (2.2 pounds), is considered unique due to its intact form and fine craftsmanship; it dates back to about 5500-8000 BC, a statement said.
The figurine, which is made of marmoreal stone and considered to be part of a ritual, was discovered by the international team of archaeologists working on site led by Professor Ian Hodder, anthropologist at Stanford University in the U.S. [...] Daily Sabah
Actualización: Descubren una extraordinaria figura femenina de unos 7.000 años en Çatalhöyük (Anatolia, Turquía) - Historia y Arqueología
La figurilla mide en torno a 17 centímetros de largo y tiene un peso de 1 kg, ha sido hallada en muy buen estado de conservación, y data entre el 8000-5500 a.C. según un comunicado del Ministerio de Cultura y Turismo turco.
La estatuilla fue descubierta por el equipo internacional de arqueólogos que trabajan en el sitio arqueológico dirigido por el profesor Ian Hodder, antropólogo de la Universidad de Stanford de los EE.UU., según ha informado la Agencia Anadolu y publica el diario Daily Sabah.
Realizada en piedra marmórea, se considera como parte de un ritual de época neolítica....
Actualización: Hallan una extraordinaria figurilla neolítica que representa a una mujer desnuda
La pieza fue cuidadosamente depositada bajo una plataforma y junto a una pieza de obsidiana, en el asentamiento de Catal Hüyük, en Turquía
Una extraordinaria figurilla de mármol, que representa a una mujer obesa con las manos bajo los pechos, ha sido descubierta en el antiguo asentamiento neolítico de Catal Hüyük, al sureste de Konya, en Turquía, según revela a este medio Ian Hodder, director del Proyecto de Investigación de Çatalhöyük. La estatuilla, de más de 8.000 años de antigüedad, "es muy importante porque es de gran calidad y está completa", indica Hodder.
Otras figurillas han sido halladas anteriormente en Catal Hüyük, especialmente de arcilla, pero muchas de ellas están rotas, por ejemplo la magnífica figurilla que representa a una mujer sentada y flanqueada por dos leopardos, que fue hallada sin la cabeza. "Además, no ha sido descubierta en un área de desechos, sino cuidadosamente depositada bajo una plataforma y junto a una pieza de obsidiana. Sin duda se trata de una forma de depósito ritual", asegura Hodder.
La pieza mide unos 17 centímetros de largo, casi 11 centímetros de ancho y pesa poco más de un kilo. Parecida a un luchador de sumo, tiene los ojos rasgados y unos pechos, vientre y nalgas desproporcionados en comparación con las manos y los pies. "Las manos están colocadas bajo los senos, que están separados hacia los lados como si la figura estuviera acostada", advierte el arqueólogo. "Primero se le dio forma puliendo la piedra y después se realizaron los detalles del cuerpo mediante unas incisiones. La ejecución de todos los detalles denota una gran atención y habilidad técnica", concluye.
Actualización: Two unique 8 thousand years old figurines discovered by Polish archaeologists in Turkey | News | Science & Scholarship in Poland
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Figurine found by Polish archaeologists in Turkey. Photo by Jason Quinlan |
21.12.2016. Two very well preserved, 8 thousand years old stone figurines depicting naked women were discovered by Polish archaeologists during this year's excavations in one of the oldest cities in the world - Çatalhöyük in Turkey...
Actualización: Çatalhöyük figurines symbolize ‘elderly women, not Cybele’
Two plump woman figurines unearthed in the 9,000-year-old Neolithic settlement of Çatalhöyük represent elderly women, not the Anatolian mother goddess Cybele as was earlier believed, according to an expert.
“These figurines symbolize old women that have high status in the society instead of goddesses,” excavation supervisor Professor Ian Hodder of Stanford University said about the figurines that have distinctive bellies, breasts and hips.
After Çatalhöyük’s discovery in 1958 in the Central Anatolian province of Konya by James Mellaart, the ancient settlement was excavated in 1961, 1963 and 1965. After a long break, excavation works restarted in 1993 under the supervision of Hodder.
Hodder said there were interesting findings in this year’s excavation. In a report on the diggings, Hodder said there were two figurines that have distinctive bellies, breasts and thighs discovered on a grave in close proximity to the east walls.
“We think that the figurine was placed there intentionally,” Hodder said.
“This marble figurine was discovered next to an obsidian knife. After a few days, another figurine made of limestone was discovered. The second figurine has a piece of galena that is shiny and reflective and two beads around its head. It also has two tiny holes like it was carried around like a pendant,” Hodder said.
Hodder said the places the figurines were discovered were intentionally chosen and were very significant.
“The places the figurines were discovered and their burial with objects like obsidian and galena is not common. This makes us think that the figurines were buried there to replace the bodies,” he added.
Hodder said when the figurines were discovered, the media introduced the figurines as Mother Goddess Cybele. “Researchers Lynn Meskell, Carolyn Nakamura and Lindsay Der have proven that the distinctive bellies, breasts and thighs of the figurines indicate that these figurines symbolized elderly women who had prestige and social status.”
3 comentarios:
Actualización: Hallan una extraordinaria figurilla neolítica que representa a una mujer desnuda
Actualización: Two unique 8 thousand years old figurines discovered by Polish archaeologists in Turkey
Actualización: Çatalhöyük figurines symbolize ‘elderly women, not Cybele’
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