sábado, 19 de septiembre de 2015

Archaeologists have discovered a large burial ground from the Bronze Age in Poland

1/28. Grzechotka z I w. p.n.e / fot. Majewski Pracownia Archeologiczna

One of the richest Bronze Age cemeteries in the Polish lands has been discovered by archaeologists near the village Dunino in the commune Krotoszyce (Lower Silesia). Archaeologists found about 200 burials richly equipped with bronze and clay items that had been deposited into the graves.

4 thousand years old burial ground was discovered at the construction site of S3 expressway between Nowa Sól and Legnica.

"We discovered a cemetery containing about 200 graves. We already know that this is one of the most interesting Lusatian culture burial grounds in Lower Silesia, and one of the richest in Poland" - told PAP Izabela Kadłucka, archaeologist conducting research on site.

According to archaeologists, burials were of the elite of the local communities. It is evidenced by rich equipment of graves. Archaeologists found bronze pins and earrings, and numerous vessels used in burials. [...] Science & Scholarship in Poland / Link 2 (Photos) 

Actualización 22-09-15: Gran necrópolis de la Edad del Bronce en Baja Silesia (Polonia)
Encontraron alrededor de 200 tumbas con ricos ajuares compuestos por cerámicas y artículos de bronce... 

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