sábado, 8 de enero de 2011

A Prehistory of Ordinary People

Monica L. Smith (Author).
Paperback: 240 pages.
Publisher: University of Arizona Press (October 8, 2010).

Product Description:
For the past million years, individuals have engaged in multitasking as they interact with the surrounding environment and with each other for the acquisition of daily necessities such as food and goods. Although culture is often perceived as a collective process, it is individual people who use language, experience illness, expend energy, perceive landscapes, and create memories. These processes were sustained at the individual and household level from the time of the earliest social groups to the beginnings of settled agricultural communities and the eventual development of complex societies in the form of chiefdoms, states, and empires...

January 7 2011: Anthropology professor Monica Smith investigates multitasking as ancient ability in new book.
7-Dec-2010: Think multitasking is new? Our prehistoric ancestors invented it, UCLA book argues.

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