miércoles, 29 de febrero de 2012

Neanderthals were ancient mariners

IT LOOKS like Neanderthals may have beaten modern humans to the seas. Growing evidence suggests our extinct cousins criss-crossed the Mediterranean in boats from 100,000 years ago - though not everyone is convinced they weren't just good swimmers.

Neanderthals lived around the Mediterranean from 300,000 years ago. Their distinctive "Mousterian" stone tools are found on the Greek mainland and, intriguingly, have also been found on the Greek islands of Lefkada, Kefalonia and Zakynthos. That could be explained in two ways: either the islands weren't islands at the time, or our distant cousins crossed the water somehow.

Now, George Ferentinos of the University of Patras in Greece says we can rule out the former. The islands, he says, have been cut off from the mainland for as long as the tools have been on them.

Ferentinos compiled data that showed sea levels were 120 metres lower 100,000 years ago, because water was locked up in Earth's larger ice caps. But the seabed off Greece today drops down to around 300 metres, meaning that when Neanderthals were in the region, the sea would have been at least 180 metres deep (Journal of Archaeological Science, DOI: 10.1016/j.jas.2012.01.032)...

New Scientist
Link 2: Un nuevo trabajo sugiere que los neandertales conocían alguna forma de navegación.
Link 3: 03-03-12. Los neandertales navegaron alrededor de 50 mil años antes que el hombre moderno - M24 Digital

4 comentarios:

Maju dijo...

Cómo se pasan! Que cruzaran a unas islas cercanas a la costa no quiere decir que "criss-crossed the Mediterranean".

Aún así es informativo.

salaman.es dijo...

Añadido link a: Un nuevo trabajo sugiere que los neandertales conocían alguna forma de navegación.

David Sánchez dijo...

Gracias por el link Salaman; después he estado buscando algo más de información sobre el musteriense en estas islas y por lo visto también hay musteriense en , en la isla de Gavdos
, al suroeste de Creta. Se supone que al ser de la misma zona, entraría dentro del área estudiada y tampoco estaría unida a tierra firme, en mi opinión.

Un saludo.

salaman.es dijo...

A ti por el tuyo.