martes, 31 de julio de 2012

IVth meeting of the European Megalithic Studies Group

Megalithic architectures: intentions and construction, styles and techniques / Architectures mégalithiques : intentions et mise en oeuvre, styles et techniques.
Rennes, from 10 to 12 May 2012.
Web site


Thursday 10/05

8h30 – Introduction

Chris Scarre,

9h - Mégalithes au centre de la Péninsule Ibérique

Primitiva Bueno Ramirez,

9h30 - Building forever or just for the time being? A perspective from NW Iberian mounds

Ramón Fábregas Valcarce,

10h – Megalithic architectures of the dolmenic groups of the oriental andévalo (Huelva, spain). Typology, constructive systems and technical traditions.

Jose Antonio Linares Catela,

10h30 - Coffee Break

11h00 – Menga: Biography of an outstanding megalithic monument

Leonardo Garcia Sanjuan, José Antonio Lozano Rodríguez,

11h30 - Megalithic Monuments of Northern and Central Portugal. A broad discussion concerning their construction and decoration programs

María de Jesús Sanches, Domingos de Jesus da Cruz,

12h00 – Megalithic hollows: rock-cut tombs between the Tagus and the Guadiana

Leonor Rocha, Pedro Alvim,

12h30 – Lunch time

14h00 – Structural functions and architectural projects within the elongated monuments of Western France.

Luc Laporte,

14h30 – Traces d'exploitation du schiste de quelques cairns néolithiques du Massif armoricain.

Eric Gaumé,

15h00 – Poster cession

15h30 - Coffee Break

16h00 – Megalithic building archaeology in the north-western part of France.

Florian Cousseau,

16h30 – La file de pierres dressées de Groah Dehn à Hoëdic (Morbihan) : un exemple d’architecture évolutive au 5e-4e millénaire av. J.-C.

Jean-Marc Large, Emmanuel Mens,

17h00 – Accident or design? Chambers, cairns and funerary practices in the Neolithic chambered tombs of western Europe

Chris Scarre,

17h30/18h00 – A northern point of view: synthesis and debate

Chairman - Gabriel Cooney, Torben Dehn,
Friday 11/05

9h00 – Economic Impact of the Megalithic Constructions: the Oceanic Case

Nicolas Cauwe,

9h30 - Beyond the individual monument: New Results from the Priority Program "Early Monumentality and Social Differentiation"

Martin Hinz,

10h00 - A monumental task: building the Neolithic megaliths of Britain and Ireland.

Vicki Cummings, Colin Richards

10h30 - Coffee Break

11h00 – Making megalithic monuments: the role of small things

Gabriel Cooney,

11h30 – Building Boom to Bust: A proposed sequence of construction for the Knowth passage tomb cemetery

Kerri Cleary,

12h00 - Going through the motions: using phenomenology and 3-D modelling techniques to explore the reality of construction at Knowth , Co. Meath

Eimear Meegan,

12h30 – Lunch time

14h00 - 25 years among Neolithic builders

Torben Dehn,

14h30 – The clustering of megalithic monuments around the causewayed enclosures at Sarup on Funen, Denmark.

Niels H. Andersen,

15h00 – Dolmens without mounds in Denmark

Jørgen Westphal,

15h30 - Coffee Break

16h00 - In the Eye of the Beholder

Palle Eriksen,

16h30 - Lønt: Two types of megaliths and one oddball

Anne Birgitte Gebauer,

17h00 – A southern point of view: synthesis and debate

Chairman - Primitiva Bueno Ramirez, Luc Laporte,

17h30/ 18h00 – Conclusion of the meeting

Saturday 12/05


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