lunes, 9 de febrero de 2015

Ancient Orkney child remains excavated

Archaeologists have been excavating the site of a child's grave on an Orkney island.
The grave - which it is believed could be up to 4,000 years old - was uncovered on Sanday's shoreline by winter storms and high tides.
It is thought the skeleton could be that of a child aged between 10 and 12.
The find was made by Carrie Brown, of See Orkney tours, who called in local archaeologists.
Historic Scotland was alerted, and experts were sent to Sanday on Saturday.
The skeleton will be analysed by an osteoarchaeology team in more suitable climatic conditions.
The remains were found on 3 February. / Link 2 

Experts of Historic Scotland were called to the scene [Credit: Sanday Ranger]

Actualización 11-02-15: Enterramiento infantil de hace 4.000 años descubierto por el temporal en las Órcadas
La acción climatológica ha puesto al descubierto un enterramiento infantil, de un niño de unos 10-12 años, en la costa de Sanday (Islas Órcadas). Se calcula que su antigüedad podría estar en torno a los 4.000 años. Historic Scotland ha procedido a la excavación arqueológica del hallazgo...

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