viernes, 15 de mayo de 2015

Iron Age hoard in a megalithic funerary complex in Spain

1/2. Orthostat under which the hoard was found indicated by the arrow. Image and text from Mercedes Murillo-Barroso, et al.

Discovered among the remains of a megalithic funerary structure on a hill in the Andalusia region of southern Spain, an exotic assemblage of Iron Age artifacts dated to between 1044 and 538 BCE has long raised questions for archaeologists regarding its origin and meaning. Described as a ‘hoard’ by the archaeologists because of the unusual, exotic characteristics of the objects and their spatial association suggesting a single, one-time undisturbed deposit, it has been the focus of intense scientific study by Mercedes Murillo-Barroso of the University College London and colleagues of other participating institutions in Spain and the U.K.

Now, Barosso and colleagues have released the results of their study in a paper published in the Journal of Archaeological Science.

“This hoard, found under the fallen orthostat of a megalithic structure built at least 2,000 years earlier, [...]

Link 2: Estudian la ocultación de la Edad del Hierro hallada en el complejo megalítico de Almadén de la Plata (Sevilla)
Los arqueólogos creen que la ocultación puede reflejar relaciones comerciales y culturales complejas en el Primer Milenio a.C...

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