domingo, 25 de septiembre de 2016

Paleoart and Materiality: The Scientific Study of Rock Art

Book: Paleoart and Materiality: The Scientific Study of Rock Art
Robert G. Bednarik (Editor); Danae Fiore Fiore (Editor); Mara Basile (Editor)
Paperback: 256 pages
Publisher: Archaeopress Archaeology (October 31, 2016)
Table of Contents

This book contains a series of selected papers presented at two symposia entitled ‘Scientific study of rock art’, one held in the IFRAO Congress of Rock Art in La Paz, Bolivia, in June 2012, the other held in the IFRAO Congress in Cáceres, Spain, in September 2015; as well as some invited papers from leading rock art scientists. The core topic of the book is the presentation of scientific approaches to the materiality of rock art, ranging from recording and sampling methods to data analyses. These share the fact that they provide...

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