EFE.- La Conselleria de Cultura y la Universitat Jaume I (UJI) celebran las jornadas "100 años de arte rupestre en Castellón", en la que expertos abordarán las técnicas de investigación de las pinturas rupestres del barranco de la Valltorta y Morella la Vella, cuando se celebra el centenario de su hallazgo.
Las jornadas, que tendrán lugar los días 29 y 30 de septiembre en la Sala Magna de la UJI y el 1 de octubre en el Museo de la Valltorta y la Cova dels Cavalls,...
La Xunta va "paso a paso" para proteger y poner en valor Cova Eirós | El Progreso / Link 2
Hallan el vino más antiguo de Italia: tiene 5.000 años / Link 2 Arqueólogos de la Universidad del Sur de Florida han descubierto una serie de jarras en el Monte Kronio donde han encontrado restos de vino que corresponden a la Edad de Cobre...
Néandertal, le cousin réhabilité | CNRS Le journal
En mai 2016, dans la grotte de Bruniquel (Tarn-et-Garonne), des chercheurs ont daté à 178 000 ans environ des vestiges humains qui constituent la plus ancienne preuve d’occupation des grottes par l’Homme, en l’occurrence les premiers Néandertaliens. Leur découverte remet en cause l’image de Néandertal qui a prévalu jusqu’alors, comme nous l’explique cet article publié dans le numéro 2 de la revue Carnets de science....
Archeologia: smalto dei denti svela rapporto madre-figlio di 27mila anni fa / Link 2: Virtual histological assessment of the prenatal life history and age at death of the Upper Paleolithic fetus from Ostuni (Italy) | Scientific Reports
Ultimi mesi di vita di una madre e del figlio vissuti 27mila anni fa svelati da smalto denti.
Vídeo relacionado (2014): "la madre più antica del mondo" Ostuni1. Ver en PaleoVídeos > L.R.2.6 nº 17.
Spanish Archaeological Mission strives to excavate Jordan’s treasures | Jordan Times
Archaeological expert Juan Ramón Muñiz, the Spanish Archaeological Mission in Jordan is a symbol of “the cultural friendship that exists between the two countries, with bonds that transcend the sole scientific purposes”.
Muñiz, who
is the director of the ongoing excavations at Jabal Al Mutawwaq — a site
located along the Zarqa River, a few kilometres southeast of Jerash and
48km north of Amman — has come to find “a great collaboration” between
the two countries at an institutional level...
What teeth can reveal about the secret lives of our ancestors
Old tools and bones can reveal a lot about our ancestors. But when it comes to what was going on inside their bodies – such as what they ate and how healthy they were – nothing can really beat a well-preserved row of teeth.
Teeth are extremely valuable as they are exposed directly to the environment we live in – anything we consume or breathe comes directly into contact with them. And, most importantly, they are hard enough to preserve really well over time...
Pleistocene Epoch: Facts About the Last Ice Age
The Pleistocene Epoch is typically defined as the time period that began about 2.6 million years ago and lasted until about 11,700 years ago. The most recent Ice Age occurred then, as glaciers covered huge parts of the planet Earth.
There have been at least five documented major ice ages during the 4.6 billion years since the Earth was formed — and most likely many more before humans came on the scene about 2.3 million years ago. The Pleistocene Epoch is the first in which Homo sapiens evolved,...
More on Scientists debunk claim that copper smelting was invented 8,500 years ago in Turkey - Haaretz.com
Scientists have debunked the claim that prehistoric peoples living in central Turkey 8,500 years ago invented copper smelting, putting an end to one fierce controversy.
It was known all along that the copper beads found in 8,500-year-old graves at the famous Late Neolithic site of Çatalhöyük were made by hammering native metal found in nature, not by smelting...
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